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How Effective Are Coding Bootcamps Really?

If there is one industry currently in our society that is continuing to grow regardless of circumstance, it is the tech industry. Pretty much everyone these days owns at a minimum one computing device, a smartphone. And that device is connected to the internet serving out billions of web requests every single day.
At the source of that request being served there is almost always a web developer, a designer, a database admin or even a data scientist. The problem is that each day more and more requests are being served, and the number of skilled programmer’s entering the workforce isn’t exactly a 1 to 1 relation with the demand.
I myself went to a university years back and studied Computer Science in order to enter that workforce and help to alleviate the demand. But it took time. A substantial amount of time. 5 years to be exact. By the time that graduation came around, the entire digital landscape had changed behind me.
Needless to say the de-facto standard for getting into an engineering field isn’t the most welcoming and it isn’t the most feasible for our current societal needs. Demand is high, supply is getting low.
Coding bootcamps aim to help fill in that gap by aiming to produce full-stack developers in less than a year. But how are effective are they really?