The One Question To Ask Yourself If You Feel Stuck In Life
We all come to those points in our lives where we can’t quite figure out where to head to next on our great big adventure. Often times this happens when we get too comfortable with our current situations and surroundings. Why head anywhere when here is pretty okay?
Well. Because odds are, there is something else that you could be doing right now or somewhere else that you could be that is several times more fulfilling than your current situation. And you would be doing yourself a disservice by not exploring those possibilities.
So when you find yourself becoming bored with life and looking for direction, but are held back by the comforts of modern life, or the fear of change even, there is one question that you can ask yourself that will usually get the neurons firing and the legs moving in some direction. And it’s a question that I find myself coming back to time and time again.
“What would you be doing right now if you could do anything?”
A million answers might immediately jump out in front of you. You’d be eating your favorite sandwich from the best corner deli, or maybe working out, or reading a book, or watching YouTube or maybe just not being at work. Probably that last one more than anything else.